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Fakultät Rehabilitationswissenschaften

Meeting of UK experts at the TU Dortmund University

  • UK Netzwerk
Gruppenbild mit Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmern des Arbeitstreffens UK © Luisa Kramschneider​/​TU Dortmund

On 10.04.2024, representatives from Dortmund preschool institutions, special schools from Dortmund and Bochum, the UK network/ZBT (Dagmar Slickers) and the Department of Language and Communication (Dr. Eva Wimmer) from the Faculty of Rehabilitation Sciences at TU Dortmund University met.

The focus of this meeting is on the complex field of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC). This requires a continuous examination of specific content and an exchange with specialist professionals in similar institutions and provides a common thread for joint work in the Dortmund institutions.

The transition from pre-school support (early intervention/child day care facilities) to school poses a particular challenge. The aim of developing common standards for AAC is to contribute to improving the care of children who are unable to communicate in spoken language or only to a limited extent.

The working group has been in existence since 2011 and meets twice a year. This time, Dagmar Slickers from the Center for Counselling and Therapy (UK-Netzwerk/SpA) hosted the meeting at TU Dortmund University.

More information on the UK working meeting